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1. Use good posture. Walk tall, look forward (not at the ground), gazing about 20 feet ahead. Your chin should be level and your head up.

2. Keep your chest raised, and shoulders relaxed - shoulders down, back and relaxed.

3. Bend your arms in slightly less than a 90 degree angle. Cup your hands gently. Swing arms front to back. Do not swing side to side - arms should not cross your body. Do not swing elbows higher than your sternum (breast bone). Swing your arms faster and your feet will follow.

4. Tighten your abs and buttocks. Flatten your back and tilt your pelvis slightly forward.

5. Pretend you are walking along a straight line. Resist the urge to elongate your steps. To go faster -- take smaller, faster steps.

6. Push off with your toes. Concentrate on landing on your heel, rolling through the step and pushing off with your toes. Use the natural spring of your calf muscles to propel you forward.

7. Breathe naturally. As you walk, take deep, rhythmic breaths, to get the maximum amount of oxygen through your system. Walk fast enough that your breathing is increased yet you are not out of breath.


1. Do not over stride

2. Do not use too vigorous arm movements

3. Do not look at the ground

4. Do not hunch your shoulders

5. Do not carry hand weights or place weights on your ankles

What is the difference in power walking, fitness walking, and racewalking?

Fitness walking is called by many different names - power walking, fitness walking, health walking. We feel the term fitness walking best represents a healthy walking style. Power walking is commonly used to represent an exaggerated walking style. This style of overstriding and exaggerated arm movements is often linked with injuries.

Fitness walking burns almost the same calories as running, yet it is much easier on the body. Because more muscles are used it burns calories much quicker than casual walking. It also tones muscles in the buttocks, thighs, hips, shoulders, upper back and abs. Most fitness walkers average about 13 to 15 minutes per mile. When fitness walking use the tips above to insure good walking form and to increase your pace.

If you want to walk even faster you might want to try racewalking. Unlike fitness walking racewalking is a very specific technique and racewalkers adhere to strict rules. It's a little tricky to learn, but the benefits (faster pace, better cardio workout, and greater calorie burn) are amazing.

Related info: Understanding target heart rate and walking in the correct zone

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